On Energy and Motivation
I’ve now been home almost 2 months from my trip of a lifetime to Europe and suffice it to say I’m still not all the way back mentally. And it’s been hard to find the motivation to do the things that I am wanting to do and more often than not the things that I am wanting to do are not the things that I am needing to do. And one of the things that I’ve been telling myself I’m needing to do more of is writing. A while ago I was doing three pages of writing every morning but for me that wasn’t sustainable. But the practice of doing it was so creatively fulfilling that I hope to try and find a more sustainable way of scratching that itch, because my creativity has been like that itch in your lower back that you can’t quite get to. For two months now it’s been something that I want to, that I need to scratch; yet for some reason I can’t find something to keep my attention for longer than a week or so.
It’s 12:30 in the morning and the frequent late nights can’t be helping. While I do feel very creative at night that’s often because I’ve had a beer or glass of wine and listen to music. But if I’m not drinking then why am I up so late? I’m getting too tired to think about what else to include so I guess I’ll say this. I’m hoping to focus on writing here more often and put more focus into my video editing practices and get out of the house more with my camera and practice my photography.
If you’ve gotten this far thanks for reading.